Wednesday, June 15, 2022

How effective is Cortisone Injection with Ultrasound for pain relief?

 Are you looking for a better way of pain relief? Let's talk about how Cortisone Injection with Ultrasound can solve your problem. 

What is Cortisone Injection? 

The cortisone injection is helpful in providing pain relief for many patients who suffer from a variety of disorders. 

The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication delivered directly to the tendon or joint. 

Cortisone is a substance similar to the hormone produced by your adrenal gland but made artificially and injected into your body. 

What type of pain does it work for? 

Cortisone injections have been around for decades and have been shown time and time again to be safe, effective methods of pain relief. 

It is usually given to patients dealing with an inflamed area, such as swollen tissue.  

Cortisone is a naturally occurring steroid that helps reduce inflammation and relieves pain. 

It is used for many different conditions like tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, hip bursitis, rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder bursitis, ankle tendonitis, or inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which helps decrease the inflammation of tendons in joints. 

Cortisone Injection Side Effects: 

While cortisone injections can be very effective at reducing inflammation, they do have some side effects. 

The most common side effect of a cortisone injection is pain and irritation around the site of the injection.  

This typically does not last long, however, if it becomes severe or persists more than two weeks after the injection. 

Other possible side effects include: 

  • Nerve damage 
  • Tendon rupture 
  • Infection 

If you experience any symptoms of infection (redness, swelling, fever) after a cortisone injection, contact your doctor immediately. 

Why use ultrasound to guide Cortisone injection? 

Injections using Cortisone with Ultrasound are highly effective as a long-term treatment for many types of pain. 

When a cortisone shot is administered by a medical professional with ultrasound guidance, you can rest assured that it will be done in the most efficient way possible. 

It ensures that the needle is going into the right spot. It also makes sure that any extra medication will not get injected into the wrong area. 

Ultrasound guidance has been shown to be significantly more accurate than blind injection. Ultrasound visualization can also help decrease complications by avoiding blood vessels, nerves, and other vital structures that may be in and around the area of injection. 

Ultrasound is used to ensure that the cortisone is getting where it needs to go, avoiding compartments where the cortisone does not need to be injected.  

For example, for a knee tendon injury, the cortisone should only be injected into the space between the tendon and bone, but not in the muscle or into the joint space. 

Why choose Kent MSK Clinic? 

At the Kent MSK Clinic, we have vast experience in delivering these injections. The technique is well known and has a good track record for success. 

In addition to this, we also use image guidance for all our injections to ensure accuracy and precision. 

You don't want the pain to stop you from working out. We'll help you get back to feeling great. Book your appointment with us today! Call us on @01634500234. 


How effective is Cortisone Injection with Ultrasound for pain relief?

  Are you looking for a better way of pain relief? Let's talk about how Cortisone Injection with Ultrasound can solve your problem.   Wh...